Digital art 4k scene from a movie: A person holding a deflated balloon had their head replaced by the balloon, floating gently above their body as they struggled to dial a phone left behind by someone who mysteriously vanished at a party.

Dr Beat

Date: 5/9/2024

By drmr

I went to visit soumitra, it was a new house and he was having a party for someone named Vicky and bought her some custom nursing clothing. He pretended I didn't exist because he was two running both of us and left with her because she was upset. For a minute her head was a balloon. I was trying to dial a phone he had left behind and it was too hard to push the numbers, I couldn't see them. A black guy my age came through the back door and I asked if he knew Dr b, he said yeah Dr bizzo. I said he took my phone and left me with the wrong one, I could try to get home using the sun and stars or buy a map but it was far, i preferred to have my phone back. He chuckled and called him and Soumitra finally came home with my phone and his face swollen and bruised I could barely recognize him. So I could navigate home.