gollum lookin thing tries to eat a baby

Date: 10/6/2019

By kceisbrenner

i came home because my parents adopted some random baby, and i get there and everyone seems really scared for some reason. dad and mary tell me there's something in the house that's been attacking everyone. i say "like an animal?" and my dad shakes his head and says "it's a human being", only they made it sound like there was something wrong with it, or it wasn't entirely human. i get worried so i ask where addy is, and dad says she got attacked and is going to die soon. so we make a plan not to go anywhere alone, but then there's a noise outside so dad and mary go out the front door. i go over to the new baby who's sitting on the couch. she smiles at me, but then she looks behind me and starts to cry and i turn around and the thing crawls out from behind the table and starts running towards me making these noises. it looks like a cross between gollum and a zombie. somehow i know he's after the baby, so i run at him and tackle him midway, and then i'm holding him down on the ground, and i somehow know that if he bites me, i'll become just like him, so i yell for dad and mary but they're still outside and they can't hear me, so i'm just trying to cut off the thing's air so he'll pass out or break his neck, but in the dream i can't close my fist all the way so it's not working, so i just hold him and yelling for help and then my dream ends