arabic body parts

Date: 10/29/2017

By oriondrums

i had an arabic class where my teacher was teaching us words for the body parts, but she was teaching us ALL the body parts. she showed a video of her totally nude in the dark with a light on the camera pointing at the different parts and telling us the words for them. it was very uncomfortable, especially cuz her tone of voice made it seem like she was not really ok with showing us the video. i felt really bad for her; definitely was not a "cool sex dream." i didn't know why she was giving the lesson if she was so uncomfortable tho. edit just remembered more currently irl i have a cat, and my sister just got these baby rats. in my dream i was home and when i went upstairs to see the animals i noticed they had somehow reproduced and we had like 9 kitten and many rats. the problem is that the rats were running loose and could be killed by our cats any moment and we could also lose the rats in places hard to reach. edit 2 i was seeing this band that i believe was supposed to be converge live, but they had a timbale player and a bunch of back up vocalists; it definitely wasn't converge but i had categorized them as such in my dream for some reason. they were playing on a really small stage that was in the middle of this big room and i was standing a good distance behind them just like chilling until the very last song when i went into the pit but i ended up not being there for much time