Game academy

Date: 10/9/2023

By cesarsald

So many details are missing cause I just wanted to experience the dream as much as possible but I was in this huge building with multiple computers throughout. I started at the bottom floor in what I think was my dorm room. I would go up one floor by stairs and would see 3 computers in a room and this went on for multiple floors with more computers and space as you went up. I remember playing league with friends and then getting invited by this one guy to play a game you can only be invited to. So then one of the mornings I try it out and go to the main computers on one of the floors. This had me enter a dream which was the game. In the dream game It was a bit of an open world kind of tarkov game. I wandered a bit and entered a tower and as I was climbing looted and killed some people for their loot. When I got to the top I saw a tank that then started to shoot at me so I had to take cover and went down the tower again. At the bottom I think I met up with some people to team with and started wandering looking for an exit. Then we found another team right around a corner paused for a bit then started shooting each other. I think one of them survived and we got wiped or both sides got wiped. But then I woke up at the computer and I'm just happy because it was the best game I've ever tried and it was within a dream world. I told my friends about it and started to invite them. There were parts of me wandering the academy and talking to people but I don't remember enough details to talk about them. I'm not sure if it was the same dream but then I was in some sort of minecraft world with other people and we did a roulette on whose creation to make. For some reason I am looking through the perspective of alpharad who got chosen. So we start creating a big house that seemed to be made of many different materials and finished up on the roof. I started to finish off a quarry that was using tnt to mine gold to create an economy in the world. Someone told me it wasn't gonna be enough so I increased the amount of tnt and the system couldn't take it so it exploded taking some of the nearby mountain as well. This also revealed a submarine built in the mountain that I'm guessing was the nuclear reactor for the system. We then spun again for someone else and they asked if their building could be made of water or something like that. I don't remember much after that. Another part of my dream that may have been before the academy involved a big competition. I'm not sure if it was a game world or a real world thing but it began in a bus with all competitors. I was sitting on the bus thinking of what to do and it began. We all rushed out and I'm not sure if we had to knock out other opponents or collect points but I started to do very well. At this point for some reason I was miles morales. People started to chase me so I would juke them out and jump over them. I created a lot of webs over the bus and eventually escaped inside where I entered a navigator room that locked and let no one inside. After that I don't remember much.