conventions + drugs???

Date: 8/11/2020

By em2002

august 10 2020: I had this swim instructor that i kept thinking was “different from any teacher ive had and better than anyone else” bc he taught swimming in a way that was like, “imagine urself becoming one with the water” “really feel the water as you glide through it” and stuff and it really helped me learn how to swim better. Another point in my dream i was at a con with lendsy and daphne and zoe i think and me and lendsy were crying bc we were soooo happy that we were at a con especially when we thought we wouldnt be able to go this year (cuz of corona). At some point i went to zoe’s house after the con, and we went to her basement and she just started doing a bunch of drugs??!?!?! like she had this big ass package of coke and she started mixing it with weed and lsd and stuff?????????? and then started snorting it. she asked if i wanted to try some but ofc i said no bc i was scared, plus her mom was against drugs so i thought “zoe’s gonna b pretty much outta commission for the night so i gotta take care of her so her mom doesnt know shes doing drugs” and yeah it was very weird