Spiderman Musical & Disney Show

Date: 8/15/2019

By montyroz

First I was in a musical where all the characters were different versions of Spiderman, like Into The Spiderverse. I had a scene coming up in a couple of pages and I was pretty sure I had my lines down but not 100% confident so I kept checking my script backstage over and over. In the next one, I was with Mom, Elisabeth and Jess and we were sitting down to watch a live Disney performance. They started out in the water but they didn't end up in any. They had weird little scenes like one where Tiana and Rapunzel (?) were friends all the way through life and they transformed into middle-aged versions. There was also a terrifying song where Dr. Facilier (who seemed to be Tiana's adopted father) tried to convince her she should have his baby. At the end of the show, there was some sort of bomb that was going to go off so we all ran down the back staircase and out the door.