Orthodontist at Bed Bath and Beyond

Date: 7/4/2018

By lucid14

I was listening to a conversation between a girl and a guy. The girl was very pretty but acted like the typical spoiled brat teenager. She was talking to a guy named Patrick who was confident in a way but bad at advocating for himself. I don’t remember the specifics of the conversation but the girl was attacking Patrick because his father died. She was saying stuff like he deserves to die. Eventually she let on that her mother was in the hospital and it was serious. At a certain point I jumped in and said something like how dare you say that stuff about his father especially since you’re just covering for the fact that your mother is going to die too. She got teary eyed but said she didn’t care and did not apologize. She said it doesn’t matter “cause I’m me I’ll figure it out” I then realized I was at the orthodontist inside bed bath and beyond, and an alert came up that said a doctor needs to look at the tooth on my lower left side. The alert was in the lower left hand corner of the bed bath and beyond computer screen and had a blue outline of teeth with one red tooth. I think underneath that it said “call doctor” or something. The girls father apparently owned the practice and I was hopping he would be the one to come over. The girl called on her headset and said a doctor needed to come over. She then walked away. This big frat bro looking dude walked over and jammed two plaque scraping tools into my mouth on the top and bottom and I almost gagged. I pushed them out and said “it’s this tooth right here I think the bracket is broken” he said something like “sorry I jam things in all the time” I said firmly, “well don’t” he seemed like someone that didn’t care about his job and was just screwing around. He put the tool in again this time on the right tooth and a little bit softer. I still had to work not to gag. He then told me it was fine and reassured that a bracket wasn’t broken even though it really felt like one was. I then pushed harder with my tongue and realized it wasn’t a broken bracket but a bunch of rice that I spit out into a napkin.