Date: 8/31/2019
By Sleepdude98
So at first I am walking through the neighborhood, when I walk to this giant area with GIANT purple kelp sticking up. There I meet the Queen of the area, and her supervisor. She asked if she was a good queen, and I got two different options. Yes and No were my options, and I first chose No. Suddenly, a lazer appeared, and blasted me. It was very graphic, with blood and guts, organs, all that stuff. I respawned, and chose Yes. I lived this time. Then I am walking into a GameStop, when I found a game called Diane which was 49 cents. I also found Pokemon Sword and Shield for $3. I am in the very corner of the shop, when Fi from Skyward Sword and Kevin from Ben 10 show up with me. Next thing I know, the grass from before shoots up from the ground of the store. I then hear multiple gunshots, and for 3 seconds, I gain X-ray vision. It was one of Wildmutt's species from Ben 10, but it was purple. I then kept hearing gunshots, and I knew it was close. I then ran into the grass to hide.