Date: 5/20/2020
By levinelover
I was in a giant elevator that had urinals and toilets in the two far corners of it along with some sinks and wall sink cabinets. I stood in that elevator with a few other men, all were in their early 40s. A couple of them were choosing between using the toilet or urinal, an Indian looking man started talking to me about urinals and stuff and I was saying “oh” and wondering if this was stuff guys always dealt with. Marta strulavitz and me wanted to talk after. I was sitting with Sandy at a long table in my grandparents apartments living room, right outside the kitchen entrance with the glass doors. It was our movie night to watch avatar, and we were going to move to the grandparents tv area to watch it. Sandy already pushed the plan back to make food. Both of us hate food in our plates we were eating, I had SideKicks Pasta and I finished it before Sandy. Sandy wanted to push it back even another hour cause she was eating slowly, and told me i could finish my food in front of the tv that way. I told her I finished eating 40 minutes ago, and we couuuld push it back a second time. I went to the kitchen and put away my fork scraping the pasta that was left onto a knife that was sitting my the sink to get cleaned, there was another used fork next to it and the knife was covered in chipotle cheese sidekicks pasta, and I left it there on purpose to disrespect my Step-dad and ex mom who were owning the apartment. They were sitting on the computer corner in the kitchen together looking at something. I walked out ignoring them. Even though they were letting me temporarily stay in their place, it didn’t give them the right to be nasty to me, so I ignored them in their own house.