Strip mall witches

Date: 11/10/2019

By xCaligo

I was in this little strip mall area just after sunset. This might even have some ties to my other dream last night but they were different enough (and long) to keep them separate. Anyway, there was this girl that was walking by and I’m not sure how I discovered this, but she was super strong almost super human. Although some how, I was also stronger and had faster reflexes than I thought was possible as well, maybe had something to do with the witch last dream. Any way, we got in a fight and I was trying to restrain her and keep her from getting away. She was probably stronger than me, and I’m sure had she wanted to she probably could have gotten away, but that wasn’t what she wanted. I had been shopping with two other people, this older man that looked kind of like my dad and this girl my age that I somehow knew was a close friend. They also had some kind of power and I could tell that the three of us together was making this super girl worried. There was a bus going down the street and I sensed that she had back up on it. I invisioned for a split second another girl getting up and walking off the bus. I few moments later there were now two of them struggling to keep us at bay in this parking lot. I fought the new girl while my friend and the old man fought the original. This dream is a little chaotic I realize. I forgot some of the details beacause I wrote down the witch house one first.