Date: 4/20/2020
By TheDude
1: My sister and I were at the top of a massive skyscraper and we were possibly trapped in an alternate dimension. When we escaped, we discovered that the world was ending somehow. 2: Myself and hundreds of other people my age had to climb a massive tree as a competition. We were paired up and I was paired with this pretty brunette. As we were climbing, I saw this yellow spider that was the size of a small dog. I looked into it’s large eyes and it looked back. I closed my eyes and ducked behind a branch. I felt it jump on my head, and my climbing partner yelled that it was on my head. I then felt it bite me on the soft pocket on the front of my neck (between my collar bones). I blacked out, and reawoke to being treated so I didn’t die. The girl that was my climbing partner and my parents were there. 3. I was playing soccer, and one of the kids that I used to play soccer with was playing against me. He was being mean, but I otherwise had a good time playing. Then it shifted and the people that were on the other team were Imperial (Star Wars) commanders. For some reason Yoda was fighting Aayla Secura, and I was on Yoda’s side. The two sides came to an agreement that resulted in Yoda’s exile to Dagoba.