Never again

Date: 3/12/2019

By brimadi

I meet up with my friend N from high school and her boyfriend to hang out. We go run errands and her boyfriend is acting like a huge dick to me and like usual N is on his side. We go to the phone store and the customer service rep is not having anyone’s shit and she’s really rude to men, it’s entertaining, she helps me with my phone issue and we continue on our day. We’re walking home and at this point I’m pretty much done with N and her boyfriend and when we get back to her place he makes another rude comment and I silently grab my shoes and start to leave. She starts asking if I’m okay and apologizing but I’m over her bullshit and I leave her house without saying anything else to her. As I’m waking home some girl criticizes my outfit and calls me a bama before I wake up