Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Dall-e, generate an image of a person floating alongside a chubby man with dark hair and a round face, both riding on thin frames in the night sky, with detailed thoughts popping up around them and a small, furless rat-like creature playing with a cat's toy nearby.

Escaping Killer Ex and Other Lucid Adventures

Date: 6/20/2020

By meeshell

My ex was living in some apartment below the apartment I lived in, and I felt threatened by his close presence, like he would harm me or kill me when he got the chance. I was trying to get away from him... I ended up in a large, open street that was also sort of dark in a group of people walking sort far apart from each other (6-ish feet). My ex was in the crowd walking to my right and a little behind me. Even though he probably wouldn't hurt me in front of the people, I felt like he would when he got the chance, so I tried to call 911 (the emergency number). I kept trying over and over again, but the number wouldn't dial properly. That's when I realized that I was in a dream (I can't call anyone in dreams), and I tried to stay lucid by paying attention to details. But when I looked closely at the details of everything, it all looked different. For example, my ex wasn't my ex at all but instead was shapes made out of wood and other materials put together to look sort of like a human. He had a round wooden head that was just a sphere with no features, a brown cylindrical body, and a stick for an arm that was reached out towards me. My fear went away. I wondered if our memories were stored that way (without detail). I tried to keep my awareness of the dream and started floating/flying around. I ended up flying with a guy that I never saw before that told him to follow him, and he led me far up into the night sky. Then we weren't exactly flying but riding on things that were like thin frames to support our bodies. The guy was chubby and with dark hair and a round face, not attractive to me at all, and I only felt a nice friendship with him. I asked him if he could see my thoughts because we were in a lucid dream, and he said that he could. So I was trying to not have thoughts that offended him, but I did anyway. A thought that I only wanted to be his friend and nothing more popped into my head and he seemed disappointed. I saw my thoughts appear as a bunch of pop up messages at different angles. I opened up a brown (almost heart-shaped but not really - kind of like a thick planchette) thing and thought it was soap. I was rubbing it in my hands, and the guy I was with told me that it was chocolate, not soap. I thought that made sense because it wasn't making any suds. I thought about taking a bite of the chocolate but wasn't sure if I wanted to and simultaneously took a bite of it and didn't take a bite of it... I shifted in and out of sleep paralysis and thought my sister astral traveled to my apartment and said "hello" to her and was happy to feel her presence... Then I was back in a dream in which a furless rat-like creature about half the size of a cat was playing with one of my cats' toys. I noticed it because one of my cats jumped into my bed to get away from it. The other was was playing with the toys with the creature. There was a smaller creature running around on the other side of the room. I worried that the larger one would hurt my cat, so I grabbed it as I sensed it on the floor next to the bed. I didn't know where on its body I grabbed it because the room was dark, and I worried that it would bite me. I thought about how I would get rid of it. I thought about throwing it out the window, but I didn't want to hurt it. I thought about putting it out in the hallway but thought it would be a bad idea to keep it in the building. Then I woke up in fear and tried stay awake for a few minutes to avoid falling back into sleep paralysis and nightmares!