Digital art, A person rides on the back of their Nintendo robot console, protected by it from a giant fire-breathing dragon attacking a group of people trapped in a hill house.

Nintendo’s New Robot Console vs. Fire Dragon on the Hill

Date: 3/22/2020

By Xiileaf

(Not in Dream) I did not enter sleep paralysis, but I did remember my dream. It was very weird. I’m pretty sure it had two parts. I woke up in the middle of them, I’m guessing, but I went right back into the first one after some 20 minutes of staring at my clock. Then it transitioned into another part, but the first part was linked to it(?). I don’t really know 😂. Unfortunately though, I did not lucid dream. (In Dream) I was in a strange dark-ish room that looked sort of like a hotel room. I was by myself and had apparently bought a special new toy. It was something that only a couple people in the world could afford. I pressed the power button on this large grey box. It expanded into a metal robot-type thing. Where it’s chest would be is where the small Nintendo Switch sized screen would be. The screen even had the dark mode on and looked like the Switch’s home menu. I touched the soft cold metal and it made quiet mechanical noises. My hands were where the shoulder blades would be. Apparently it learned how the user was like my physical contact the screen said I was touching it weird in a gay way. Like, I think the bottom of the screen showed a red outline of a heart with the word gay inside it 😂👌🏻. Even though my hands were on the shoulder blades. It was pretty weird. I kept exploring to see what other weird things it would do. I never actually played any of the games yet. I don’t know what I did to play around with it, but I was somehow switched next so some old concrete(?) buildings in the city ((Maybe resembling where I live irl)). My step-mom, dad, and sister were there as well. We all had big suitcases that sometimes switched and looked like large gym totes. They were all dark grey. A black and dark turquoise but pulled up next to us where we boarded it. I placed my bag right next to the stairs to get onto the bus and parallel to the seats. The formation inside was like a regular school bus. We had no trouble getting to our destination, the air port. We waited for a while. When we were on the plane, I was notified that my baggage had oil in it and had to be treated specially. Myself and my family was actually really angry 😂. I was angry because I didn’t put any oil in my baggage. My family was mad because they thought I purposely put oil in to slow us down. I walked away from them and the flight attendant taking my bag to the back of the plane and sat down alone. The dream was moving along quickly so we ended up at the place we were meant to go. The bus driver had been notified of my oil filled bag so they, too, had to treat it with extra steps, putting it in the back of the bus under a secret compartment. We were on another bus that looked exactly like the previous one. We were almost the only ones on the bus. When we arrived, we were the first ones off. Everyone else followed too. There was a large group of people that came off the bus even though my family and one or two other had been there with us. We had all gotten our luggage before the bus started driving away, leaving us to scan the area. There was a large green hill behind a short-ish grassy field. In front of the hill was basically a tropical beach. Looking closer at the hill, it was a house in disguise. There were multiple windows on the sides of the hill as on the side almost closest to us was a large closed brown wood door. That’s when it noticed us. A huge red/black spiky dragon between the beach and the house flew up to scavenge for people to eat. When we noticed it, people looked up, pointed at it, screeched, and ran for the house. My family and I were in the middle of the crazy mob of people. We couldn’t balenar them though. Why would we want to be eaten by a dragon? Everyone somehow made it inside the house with a few close calls. Some of the stragglers who got to the door last we’re about to be picked up ant taken off to be eaten, but they zoomed through the door as quickly as they could. We were basically stuck in the house and had no idea how we could get out without being picked up by the handful. I observed the hill house. The roof was tall, enough to have a second landing. The ceiling was a dark maroon wood color. The walls and floor were decorated with noting but grey paint. There were no lights either. Whoever lives here did not have any essentials. All the room was, was a room. Apparently I had gotten out my phone and was Face Timing this tall blonde girl that I had met elsewhere, maybe on the plane. She had a different place to go to and she wanted to keep in touch. I had leaned against the wall as the Face Timed. She was in a huge ice skating rink with her three siblings; three sisters. They were all practicing their routines, but the girl I was Face Riming was trying really hard. She was really good at figure skating. She was also fuming to me. Apparently, similar to myself, her luggage was lost. Apparently her bag was also claimed to have oil in it. She kept angrily yelling over her beautiful performance as her sisters almost kept whopping her in the head with their skates. I thought she was going to get K.O.ed. Eventually, we stopped Face Timing. I had gotten an idea and started kicking at the 3’ by 3’ square window. It shattered perfectly. People were asking what I was doing, but a boy beside me joined in on the window next to mine. He broke it, but the glass came at him so he scrambled away not to be cut (I’m pretty sure I laughed). I explained to everyone that we would run out of these windows in different directions to hopefully minimize the amount of people killed. Everyone else kicked the windows out. They asked what to do next. I grinned and opened my baggage, searching for my Nintendo. I also found my bottle of Lipton Tea. Then I thought for a moment. That’s what the people on the plane thought was the oil! So annoying. I left it in my bag, though, and I pulled out my Nintendo, hoping it could help. Another kid snickered, saying he had one too. I didn’t believe him; he never pulled it out (Plus, I’m guessing they cost thousands of dollars). Not everyone has that kind of money to spend all Willy Nilly. I powered it on and it grew to its robot size. I put my hands on its shoulder blades and looked. Maybe it was incorrect the first time because now it said straight on the screen with no heart surrounding it. I was irked. So, I climbed on its back with my legs secured around it’s stomach area and my arms around it’s neck area. I somehow knew it said gay again. Everyone left their bags and ran for the trees, going different directions. The dragon was coming after me, spitting angry fire breath, but the Nintendo robot made sure to protect me. I assumed it caught and ate a couple people, but I would never know. There were just io many people and I didn’t look back. Somehow, the dream switched. I was in the huge ice skating rink that the girl I had been face timing earlier was in. Most everyone who was in the hill house made it there too. I guess the couple of people who weren’t there were consumed. My friend noticed me and started blabbing to me about the luggage again. I stood on the ice with my regular shoes, but followed her around as she did her routine. Eventually, it was time for my family to leave. My sister, dad, and step-mom has round their luggage in various places around the rink. I looked, but could not find mine for the life of me. I asked someone who works there to help. He couldn’t find it either. I knew it. It was that dang Lipton Tea again. My dad was yelling at my as to why this was such a big problem. I told the man to look again for a dark grey duffel bag. Then my dad was like, “Are you kidding me? It’s light grey!” I scoffed at him. It took hours for them to finally find my “oil” bag. The also found my friend’s bag. I really wanted to scream, “It’s just damn tea!” But I didn’t 😂😅. (Not in Dream) That’s all I remember for this weird dream.

AI generated interpretation Interpretation: This dream seems to be about the conflict between your desire for freedom and your family’s expectations. The Nintendo robot console symbolizes your need for independence and autonomy, while the Fire Dragon represents your family’s authority and control. The suitcase with “oil” could be a metaphor for your inner struggles and conflicts, which are preventing you from achieving the freedom you desire. The ice skating rink also suggests a need for balance and harmony in your life, as you and your friend were both struggling with the same issue. Ultimately, the dream is trying to tell you that it’s important to find a way to reconcile your need for independence with the expectations of your family, in order to find a sense of balance and harmony in your life.