Zombie apocalyps

Date: 11/17/2019

By Tjika

I was in a world where zombies had been a part of life for a long time. People had built their world around them. There were special zones where we could live, like safe zones, where life continued as normal, and zones that were taken over by zombies. We did occassionaly go to zombie infested areas as there were two types of zombies and those living in the area close to the safe zones were not too dangerous. As long as you avoided them as much as possible they just wandered around without doing anything. I was walking around one of these areas at the start of my dream. Im not really sure what I was doing there specifically, just wandering around like I was in a shopping area or something. I was with some friends. The problem however started when one of the zombies started acting weird. It was a woman who became very agitated and aggressive, trying to bite my friends. This did occassionaly happen, it meant the zombie was transforming. When a zombie had been a zombie for a long time they transformed into a very aggressive and deadly version. They shed off their skin and became bald and pale with very sharp teeth and bloody eyes. I could fly and I believe my friends either flew away with me of ran away immediately as a special team came in to secure the new zombie and put her into a special prison for those types of zombies. I flew over that prison and saw thousands of those ugly zombies all trapped together in one empty field aurrounded by huge brick walls. There was an iron bridge going over it with guards keeping an eye on them. The problem with these zombies was that they were very smart and they were trying out new ways to escape at that very moment, which included all of them hoisting up one zombie and trying to get him onto the bridge. I feared it was only a matter of time before they would succeed in their escape. I flew away as they became extra aggitated as soon as someone came close, which obviously included me. I started flying around outside of the safe zones and that's when I somehow overheard some evil dude trying to gather the smart zombies by shouting around a plan to overthrow all humans. I'm not sure what he was, he seemed human, but he was on team zombie, clearly. I flew into what turned out to be their hideout/ lab they used for experiments. I knew it involved those zombies, but thought I was safe as I could simply fly back out (I could fly through walls, which was quite convenient). However, as soon as they stepped out of the room I was in I realised my mistake. The room was covered in green drawers seemingly just attached to the walls, but also the ceiling. When they stepped out of the room into their office my fear came true. The drawers stored evil zombies. They were experimenting with transporting them in small cases and whether they could come out alright to perform a sneek/ surprise attack. I wanted to escape through the roof as that's how I had come in and I was getting nervous as I could feel them getting aggitated because of my presence. I had not taken into account however that they would come from the ceiling as well and therefoe my escape route was comprimised. I decided there was only one solution: to teleport. I tried and sort of succeeded. I ended up in my actual bedroom, seemingly waking up from the dream, and there was a dude there telling me I had really misjudged that situation and he laughed at me. It was like I could restart a game or something. I went back to sleep and came back into the zombie world. This time I ended up in a house. I'm not really sure what happened here however. There was a lot of running around through weird rooms and crawl spaces between walls and floors. We ran into some zombies, an evil scientist and I had to teleport again at some point. I ended up in my room again, but there was no weird dude this time. The only weird thing is that the time on my clock was wrong. This waking up happened a few more times. Sadly I can't remember how it ended either. The fake waking up parts were however very confusing.