
Date: 2/17/2022

By SpinierFormula4

I rewatched Netflix’s Daredevil (my favorite show) for the third time recently, so eventually I was bound to have a dream where I was him. And I did. In the dream I have his powers… somewhat. I don’t think my brain could figure out how to do the radar sense, so it just represented it visually, which is pretty counterintuitive. I could see the shapes of everything, but that was it. I could see color occasionally, but it was like I kept remembering throughout the dream that I shouldn’t be able to, so everything kept flickering in and out of being completely black with just the outlines and being in these dull… wavy colors. Anyways, I am in the house I lived in when I was in middle school, in Maryland. Hailey is there, as well as two small children (about the age of 5 probably), and I know that we have been living in that house taking care of those kids for a while. I seem content, it’s nice. I hear from the end of the street a car pulls in, and I listen to the conversation inside. They’re saying something about “We got him, engaging now.” I remember distantly that I’ve been on the run from the CIA (it probably would’ve been more realistic if they were the FBI, but I remember that it was the CIA). I jump up and scoop the two kids into my arms. Hailey is like “What? What’s wrong?” I tell her that they’ve found us, and I feel very guilty suddenly that I’m the only one their after and yet these three are getting caught up in it. I set the kids back down as they park in front of the house and start getting out. “I’m going, alone.” “What? No you’re not!” “Yes I am, I’m the one they want.” (Very dramatic) I don’t remember much else of the conversation, but somehow we agree that the both of us should leave together and the children will stay in the house. We make it to the deck out back while they are breaking down the front door. We make the kids stay on the top step of the deck and we are standing on the landing, ready to leave. I look back at the kids, feeling really bad for them. Both of them are crying profusely, and I lean over to hug them one last time and tell them that I love them. Me and Hailey jump the fence and run away from the house, and they stay standing their watching us leave. Hailey and I, as well as my sister and my father for some reason, are on the run. We are trying to find places to live, and we stay overnight at what I think was supposed to be some sort of shelter, but in reality it was the back (warehouse-type) section of the Walmart that I work at. I take a second to analyze how my ability to see works, and I remember thinking it was interesting that the dream was trying to interpret blindness like this. It was like everything was an impressionistic painting (like he has said) but also people would suddenly come into super sharp focus and I could definitely see them, but then I would have the stray thought that the dream is unrealistic and not how it would work, and everything would go all radar-sense style. The entire time though, I definitely couldn’t see anything if it was flat (such as words), and when I looked around the warehouse I remember thinking that it was a nice touch that I couldn’t tell if there was writing on the cardboard boxes around us. Suddenly the dream jumps forward in time. We are breaking into a government facility, I think to erase me from their records so they stop hunting me (?). I lead the group through hallways that look suspiciously like my highschool. We don’t turn on any of the lights for stealth purposes, so I’m the only one that can “see.” My school has two big stripes of color on the walls, and they were glaringly absent while we were making our way through the “facility.” I distinctly think to myself, “Wow, that’s a good touch, that I can’t see the colors. That’s smart I wouldn’t even’ve remembered that.” We get to the control center, which is definitely just the computer lab in the C-Building upstairs. Mackenzie, Hailey, and my Dad all hop onto computers and start trying to log in and “hack the system.” My hands hover over the keys and the mouse, but I can’t see what’s on the screen. I can tell that there’s stuff there but it’s like my brain isn’t letting my turn it into anything meaningful. I say out loud, “I’m useless.” But it’s less self-deprecating ableism and more just a status update. Hailey says, “No you’re not. Use your ears.” So, I follow her directions. I stand in the middle of the room with my head cocked slightly to the left and extend my hearing past the walls of the room. It’s hard to describe, but it felt like I was ACTUALLY doing the radar sense here. It was insane, like I could FEEL where everything was, the entire building and it’s layout (it was definitely my school). But it was incredible I don’t know how my dream did that. “There’s one security guard in this entire building,” I relay to them, “and he’s on the phone.” I can hear him walking around, and I can radar-sense it. I have the 3D image of him in my head. I think at first that he’s calling in reinforcements, until I hear a little girl’s voice over the phone call him dad, and I can tell with my Daredevil-ness that he starts smiling. I think to myself that I would probably hold back a little when I broke every bone in his body if he walked in and found us. I wake up.