Intergalactic thief in my house

Date: 10/26/2019

By mkac

So while I was sleeping apparently my brain put me on a Star Wars like ship in space. I don’t know how I ended up on the ship in the first place. The ship was being controlled by what seemed like a video game controller because I heard someone talking to the driver of the ship saying “you don’t have enough buttons or pedals to control this”. The lasers almost sounded like baby alligator chirps when they were fired. Meanwhile, I was walking around the ship and I saw a 2x2 Rubik’s cube that had some little thin extra pieces that I picked up and tried to solve the cube with. Meanwhile there was another girl on the ship saying that a creature was cute on the ship. A few moments later there was this weird looking person that didn’t feel 100% right to me in terms of them being with me and this other girl on the ship. We duck down trying to get away from this person and i think we succeeded or at least I did. Then I managed to get back to my house to be with my parents. A few moments later, somehow, the same person that was on the ship randomly appeared inside my house! He was demanding to take something that was infected away when everything was fine. He was looking around the basement trying to find the thing he was sent to get. I didn’t see anything infected and I was trying my best to force him out of my house. I noticed that he had grabbed a couple toys of mine that are a spinning bead thing and a purple and pink stress ball. I said that there was nothing infected and I yelled at him “get out of my house” and “leave this house NOW!” and I managed to get this guy almost out of the house. With a lot of convincing and force I was able to get my toys that he had taken. I remember that I got the stress ball that was being held with my right big toe. He was about to get out of the house but then decided without me realizing to take a SHOWER IN OUR BATHROOM! After that I fell back asleep and when I woke up to write this I still had a bit of fear that this guy was in my house but luckily he isn’t.