Date: 5/20/2023
By seascarlet
I was visitimg a historic hotel from the turn of the century. It had been forgotten rather than preserved. The locks had been updated to use modern keys, but the original locks still worked and I had stolen a brass key. It felt special to have access to a hotel room any time I wanted, but every time I went down the long, creaking hallway along the red carpet and to the last door on the right, the same thing would happen. I'd put my key in the door, start to turn it, and then hear footsteps running away on the other side. I wondered if people were squatting in there and had some entry point from the outside into the dilapidated structure. So then I'd wait and listen, and decide to try again some other time. It was usually pretty empty other than two older Southern women working the counter who seemed reserved and strange to me. I never talked to them about it because I didn't want them to know I had a stolen key to that room.
AI generated interpretation Thank you for sharing your dream. Dreams often reflect a person's current thoughts and emotions, as well as their past experiences and desires. The theme of stealing in your dream might represent your feelings of wanting to attain something or access to something that you believe you shouldn't have. The brass key you stole might represent an important item or opportunity that you desire to possess. However, the fact that you were unable to use the key may indicate a fear of getting caught or facing consequences for your actions. The historic hotel from the turn of the century might represent your past experiences or memories that you cherish but feel forgotten or neglected in some way. The dilapidated state of the hotel and the abandoned state could embody a sense of regret or nostalgia. The footsteps that you hear whenever you try to use your stolen key might represent your anxieties about getting caught or experiencing some other form of negative consequence. It might also suggest that there are unknown or unanticipated obstacles standing in the way of you accessing your desires or achieving your goals. The two older southern women working the counter who seem reserved and strange could be symbolic of the authority figures or societal norms that you feel judge you or prohibit you from accessing your desires. You might fear being judged for your actions, or you might feel restricted by societal conventions. Overall, your dream suggests that you have desires that conflict with your sense of morality or societal norms. You might be hesitant to pursue these desires for fear of being judged or facing negative consequences. Consider exploring these emotions further to better understand your own desires and motivations.