Weird Party

Date: 12/10/2017

By Juliaaramini

I was at my friend Kylie’s house, but it wasn’t her house irl. In my dream the house was giant and her bedroom was all white, super long and had its own bathroom. On the left side she had one of those bunk bed desks with a record player on the desk. Directly across from that was a few beanbags and to the right of them was a door to her bathroom. Farther down the bedroom was one of those hanging chairs and one of those tent things for little kids that hangs from the ceiling. At the opposite end of the room was a door, and on the other side were stairs to get upstairs. Everything was white except for the tent thing, which was light purple. I went to Kylie’s house and went downstairs to her room. Then we turned on her record player, which either could have records in it or you could open up the spot where you put the record put these special jelly beans inside that little compartment and somehow it played music. Idk what happened from there but suddenly Kylie’s parents (Kevin and Kristen), my sister livy and her friend Sisi were all there too, and Kylie’s room has morphed into like a bedsheet isle at a department store. The bathroom, door to get upstairs, beanbags and desk bunk bed were still there, but from then on it was a big isle split down the middle with a row of little metal things holding sheets. Me, livy Kylie, Sisi and Kevin decided to have a competition. They would run down the seemingly endless sheet isle while me and Kylie played songs on the record player. If livy and Sisi got back before or after a song was ending then me and Kylie I think had to clean Kylie’s room but I don’t really remember. If they got back right when a song ended then they had to do whatever the punishment was. So we started the competition and livy and Sisi started running and me and Kylie started playing music while Kevin judged us. Some time passed, and then another song ended and Kevin was like “oh no if they get back right now you lose” but then I was like “no look they’re back they got back when the song ended” but since Kevin wasn’t watching he decided we lost. Through this whole thing Kristen had kinda disappeared and Kylie didn’t say a single word my entire dream. We cleaned Kylie’s room (or whatever we had to do) and from there it’s kinda blank. Jumping ahead I was at this super fancy and formal dance called J.A. In my dream it looked exactly the same as it did irl but it was Kylie’s house. I was there with my friend Toby as my date, this dude named Wally who had a date but I don’t remember who, a guy named Joe and his date (idk who she is???) and a large group of his friends who I don’t know. Me and Toby decided to go downstairs, so my dream like jumpcutted to Kylie’s room (which was back to her normal room and not like a department store) and I was suddenly in 3rd Person point of view rather than first person. Me and Toby walked downstairs into Kylie’s room because we wanted a break from the dance. Right next to the purple tent thing was a door that had kinda appeared and it led to another room with a bed in it so Kylie could sleep when events like this were going on, which was what she was doing then. Toby said he had to go to the bathroom so I sat on a little beanbag by Kylie’s record player to wait. Joe and his friends were down three and they got up to go back to the dance, but they were being rlly annoying and started dancing there to be funny (I guess?) and joe was dancing like right above my head and it was super awkward. Then they left and at the same time Toby came out of the bathroom. We started playing music with with the record player with the jelly beans and we saw Wally come out of the tent thing and walk over to us. We were like “omg Wally come hang out with us and play music it’s a fun time” but he was like no and went to the bathroom. I think more happened from there but I don’t remember so yeah the end.