Violent Times

Date: 2/3/2017

By dystxpia

I'm sitting in the top bunk of my bed in a dorm that I share with two other girls. The one girl is new, and the other is a girl I work with (lets call her jade). There is only one floor to our dorm building, and other dorm rooms line the hallway on both sides. Jade said she had to run out for a second, then left as we said goodbye. After she left, I hopped down from my bed and decided to check out some of the other rooms. I walked out of our room and down the hall and into the next room on the right. I walked in and the room was littered with anime and comic merch. I started to look around the room, not noticing anyone there, when somebody steps out from behind me. Quickly turning around, i am now facing someone dressed in a black grim reaper cloak with a mask that looked like Reaper's from overwatch. He moved closer to me and I stumbled back before he tried to pin me to the bed behind him. He started speaking very crude and sexual things towards me, lazily lunging at me a few more times before I am able to make it out of the room. A loud Scream echoes through the halls from my room and I run in quickly to find one of my good friends trying to attack my roommate. Their eyes were glazed over and they kept growling and swiping at her with their nails. I yelled at them to stop and they didn't even turn around. I picked up a metal bat lying next to my bed and held it up, walking closer to them. They finally seemed to notice me and proceeded to luge in in my direction but I was fast to react and quickly swung the bat, having it collide with their skull. They stumble back, blood oozing from their mouth, nose and ears, but regain their posture and lunge again. I am able to counteract them again and bash them in the side, knocking them to the ground. Without thinking twice I start beating them with the bat untill they completely stop moving. I lean against my bed, tears starting to form in my eyes as I staire at their deformed body on the ground. Their eyes somehow still fixed on me but now with a look of pain. Not even 5 seconds later one of my other coworkers stumbles into the room with the same glazed look. They let out a screech and start dashing towards me but I'm quick and swing the bat before they get to me. This time only a few hits and they are down. Another person I know runs in with glazed eyes, then another. One by one my friends and family, people I love are running in and I'm having to hurt them so they don't hurt anyone else. By the time they stop coming, my arms are completely covered in blood. Red drops stain everywhere in the room and speckle my face and hair. I drop the bat and rush outside just in time to see Jade getting out of her car. I run over to her and hug her soo tightly (she was one of the people I killed) and start blubbering like a baby asking how she's still alive and telling her my story. Her face goes white and she reassures me that everyone is okay, I didn't kill anyone, and that there has to be a shape shifter here and we have to make sure everyone is safe. The dream ends right as we turn to go back inside the building.