Cursed Game

Date: 10/29/2020

By SagittariusDreamer

I was sitting on my porch, kinda minding my business mostly. I noticed a friend of mine named Eevee, and her husband, were sitting on the porch down the street. That house faces forward while mine faces sideways (since we're both on the adjacent corners of the street). I can see them clearly from my porch. There's also another person there, who I thought was The Person Who Shall Not Be Named (someone in real life I have a deep rooted disappointment for), but it seems like it wasn't him. Too skinny, short hair too straight and spiky. I watch them for a moment, watching them draw from a distance. Once they were visibly finished, all at the same time in fact, I waved hoping they'd see me. It was a moment until Mike spotted me, and he, Eevee, and their friend waved back at me. And then more people pop out of the windows and wave. And then there were people on the roof waving at me. I'm still waving. Everyone's heads were impossibly large, like some caricature of them sat upon various spots of the house down the street. The view of this shifted from a human eye view to that of maybe an old movie projector. I got into my house at some point. It was at some random moment that I got a text from Eevee about some game that I should play. I didn't give it a second thought, and decided to play. The game was played on a system, but I think I was playing it on a TV or Projector. It was 3D, with pretty good graphics. I had someone else in the room with me too, but I don't remember who. I'll assume it's Miggy. We sat down while I played. The task seemed a bit intermediate. There's a ball in a moving river, and I initially didn't know of the objective because I didn't see one displayed. There was a gap between the two sides, but you could hardly see the other side given the angle. I moved the ball around some, making sure it didn't fall. I tried backing the ball up, then letting the current take it before making it jump. I missed. Suddenly, there was a screamer, with the typical scream blaring out before the level restarted. (The image looked familiar, so if I can find anything similar to it, I'll edit this) Safe to say, I was terrified to hell. But I was still curious on completing the level at least. So I tried again. And this time, I would've made it. But there was ice on the edge of the other unseen side of the river, and the ball bounced off. I sat there, appalled, and had to look away before the jumpscare played. I caught a tiny glimpse of it, and it looked less familiar. I think I replayed the level one more time before calling it quits and turning it off. There was an impending sense of doom in my mind, but it was light, typical after getting jumpscared so many times in one sitting. There was something about demon possession, but I don't remember at all at this specific point. I end up at school, in chemistry class, just like any disaster movie. Because it would be. There was a specific substance we were talking about, a gas I think, and the process of cleanup. One of the options, if it got on clothes, was to burn it completely. During the lesson, my phone, which was sitting on the desk, was buzzing back to back with messages from Eevee. "What What" I don't know what it said after that since I never read the messages, I just saw the notifications flash by on the screen. After school, we went home. At this point I think we're on the bus. This is the only scenario where this part of the dream makes sense to be at. There's a bunch of other students on the bus, and they're talking and stuff. It's February, because they're talking about Valentine's Day and whatnot. I hear a girl say that, she likes some guy, but she's staying away because she doesn't want to kill him. The impending doom in my subconscious had grown already, but this raised it more. I got home and, since I was hungry, I wanted to heat up leftovers. Things in the house seemed.... odd. I don't know why, but it didn't feel right. I ignored it and went for the steak and mashed potatoes, putting some on my plate and putting it in the microwave. After a few seconds, the top started zapping my food with a concerning blue electricity. I was hesitant, and was about to just leave it, but I decided to just quickly stop the microwave and just skip the meal. As I'm headed towards the living room, I hear from possibly a TV broadcast that if I had been zapped by that blue electricity, I surely would've died. I opted to go upstairs, but, as I looked up the stairs, I could hear someone moving around. Walking. The third floor door creaking open and shut, then more footsteps. But I didn't see anyone. And then, I heard my brother say "Yoo," calling to see if anyone was home. I sighed in relief when I actually saw him and greeted him. I told him about the microwave, and I was secretly worried that mom would be pissed because it's practically new. He was understanding about it. The way he was standing, his mid and upper body was hanging out from the third floor entryway where the steps were, so he was a bit higher than me. He had a wasp flying around his head. A big one, which was semi-transparent and all grey. I told him about it, and his looked around and couldn't see it, even though he looked straight at the direction it was in multiple times. Only I could see it. It was probably a ghost wasp. He went upstairs and I went back downstairs, greeted by my mom, her bf, and my sister. I went downstairs to chill out and see what they were up to, all the while the doom in my subconscious was clear as day. I didn't panic though, I managed to keep a clear head despite all of this unseen chaos. If I was seeing things, it's not registering in my mind. My sister though, was a start, other than the girl on the bus, to the chaos that I'd see. She was acting strange, walking towards me, trying to grab at me. Those were normal, but she was looking at me strangely, smiling at me in a way that's not typical for her. It was scary. I backed away, and my mom's boyfriend blocked her path while I closed myself off in the foyer. Mom started acting strange too, the situation seemingly not alarming her. I decided I was gonna leave. I then realized that I didn't have on any shoes, and reached out to grab some that were on the other side of the door. When I looked back up, the sense of doom faded a little and they were back to normal. Cautiously, I stepped out of the foyer, and looked at the shoes I had picked up. Men's dress shoes. I told them that I was leaving, that I needed to be possessed in order to "Quell my urges" to kill or something like that. They didn't question it much, at least, not to me, and I left.