Date: 11/13/2019
By noisy28cat
So, it all started where there were 2 animal Crossing-style cliffs with a big gap in between. And then me and my family were walking from out of the darkness in between them and there was this creepy guy following us who looked like NF but when you looked at him and then looked away and then looked at him again his head turned into what looked like the back half of a Wendy's French fry box. It was all darkness, just a straight road with 7-11 on one side and McDonalds on the other. We went by 7-11 and sat on the curb and then I showed my mom a picture of the guy and she said "what's so creepy about that?" and then I told her "look away and then look back and you'll see" and then she looked again and we all started screaming, and then I woke up.