Daniela"s Love, End of my Bomb Trigger dream.

Date: 7/6/2016

By Lovelyspoofy

Today I had a dream where I was a t school. All the chairs were put against the wall in a way that there was a huge space in the middle of the classroom so that we would have space to practice our school play. I was sitting right next to Daniela, my BIG crush. She would often glance at me and slowly get her hand a little bit closer to mine. I noticed that and I too started getting my hand closer until I held her hand... We then looked at each other... I told her that this was not the right time though, since we were at school. Every single friend of Daniela's was watching from the other side of the room and one of them who is also pretty (but not really my crush) cane towards us and started talking to Daniela. Laura said "You are hot" but Daniela said "You are more than hot" looking at me. Class was over and we all got out of our classrooms. This the transition to my other dream. It started raining heavily, so the school made us get to a restaurant that is apparently in the school grounds, and when I entered, everybody was already there, so I was the last one. All of a sudden I am in this apartment room with two guys Who were pretty nice. Those two guys were from a grade lower than me in school. We started talking and for some reason I got in this tub there was in the kitchen and they put lava in it, but they did not want to kill me, they were just showing me something cool. Now,through the week I've been having a bunch of dreams that were a story altogether. It was all about me moving in to a house (which happens to be the house I lived in when It lived lived in the US) and I find out there's a whole gang, or terrorist group at my house that has a bomb trigger hidden in a certain place, and there were some good guys with me. The bad guys were in one side of the house and they wouldn't move out of there, so we could use the other side of the house as normal. I don't know why, but I was naked, and in the kitchen. I was relaxed because there was nobody else here with me. Then, all of a sudden... Visitors... I started running towards the closet, even though the closet was part of the enemies' territory. I arrived at a room where one of my buddy was having a confrontation with the main bad dude. I got dresses and started watching them. They had a long argument, about where the trigger was (nobody in the house knew where the hell it was, so it was really just a race of finding that thing.), but at the end of it, where we were supposed to go back to our territory in peace and without fighting, my buddy pulls out the trigger... It was inside a plastic water bottle. Everybody gasped... "WELL HOW ABOUT THIS?" My buddy said... They were going to have a Russian Roulette-ish type game where my buddy would have a straw in his hand, and he would have two bottles to put the straw in. He would have to choose randomly and if he put the straw in the bottle WITHOUT the trigger,the bomb wouldn't explode, but if he put the straw in the one WITH the trigger, the house goes boom. At this moment I started running from the room. "3..." I was at a room close to the living room... "...2..." I was at the living room... "...1..." And I was opening the door, but before I got out, the explosions started, but luckily, they were many bombs, not just one huge bomb. The explosion started from the other side of the house, so I managed to quickly leave the house, and the explosions threw me to the lawn's grass. I fell and though "Maturity, here I come" because my parents were in there and they were dead so I knew I would start getting more mature and serious from now. I sat on my ass in the grass and I looked at my hands to do a reality check. Since I have a huge open wound on the back of my hand in real life, I looked at the back of my hands and there was just a small scar... I also counted seven fingers on my hand, but I just wouldn't get lucid! I could even control my movements a bit, but I can tell I didn't go lucid ):