Guinea pig was brought back to life

Date: 3/31/2024

By PandaPuff

I had a dream gizmo was back in his cage and I was trying to figure it out. My mom didn't even seem that concerned and I was yelling trying to get her to understand how weird it was because he died a few days ago (my guinea pig) and we looked outside and he had been dug up. There was a child and adults footprints by it. I asked one of the neighbors kids to see if he knew anything but he said he didn't. Weird things started happening when we got back in the house, like paranormal shit. I went outside to get clovers and dandelions for him because I had thrown out his spinach and lettuce. Almost all of the grass was gone? As I was picking what I could, a white fox ran past me then followed me inside. It. looked weird. It turned into a wolf and nearly took my arm off for not giving him some of the stuff I was going to give to gizmo. I'm a separate dream, I was working at some store? I was about to get some new chocolate monster but suddenly some important dude we worked for was coming in. Me and this guy who were like the most important people to them there rushed and he kinda pushed me so I was salty. We got into position?? But it wasn't even him it was a false alarm it was some kid in his family