Date: 8/3/2019
By kkskyfather
*** and I were closing at OPSM it was night time and the centre (a long alley lookin thing) was pret much pitch black. We had stayed longer without realising for we were sucked into an interesting af convo. We lock the first gate finally then he realises he hasn’t got the key to lock the second gate.. and we can’t leave if he ain’t did done that. Our store is the only one in the centre w lights on. We hear footsteps. Tut tut tut tut. We hide behind the counter quickly. They pass. We re-emerge. We hear footsteps again shortly. Tut tyt. We hide again. They pass n we go out of hiding again. Later- you guessed it- more footsteps. I was just about in hiding when I saw a Middle aged mans face appear at the side, he was already looking at me. **** gets me to run, the guy tries to get in, he needed to lock the second gate but I felt like he actually wanted to kill **** AHHAH. :(. Side note the second gates had padlocks all over them in an evenly spaced checkerboard pattern. I sprinted to my car which was in a dark London looking alley way with leaves everywhere. Kept thinking I was seeing the guy, I was trippin. Was so scared. Dust was all over my car so I had to brush it off but I wanted to leave pronto. I was so scared I felt the suspense killing me the emotion felt real sis lmao. Started the car and did a three point turn however my seat kept slipping back so my foot couldn’t reach the pedals. So bad. Sorted out that jazz eventually and I was off. Sped like crazy ehheh. Soon after I saw a cyclist w plastic Fluro green complete circle wheels approach my car on the road on the side opposite to me. His front wheel started wobbling when he came closer and then it detached and for some reason rolled far in the same direction my car was travelling. I stopped and decided to get his wheel for him cause he was kinda far in the opposite direction by now. By the time he reached me I had gotten out into the cold dark street wit no snow but a snow vibe ahhah and leaves and picked up his wheel x I give it to him and he’s like uhhh yeah thanks as if what I did was useless OMG! I just scratched my head probably touched my right knee then got back in m car and I wake up.