Date: 6/14/2018
By SnoopDreamer
TLDR - I had a school field trip dream w/ my Chem teacher from last year and my chemistry class, and afterwards went to a couple restaurantish places + there were my not-in-chemistry best friends and somewhat memorable people I know from my other classes (like L/B - acquaintences). Before all this, though, what I assume was the field trip was some out-of-this-world journey (funnily without my class but with my family and sister's dogs). This trip was up a mountain, and at the top was a really cool view, like you'd see with a 360 degree camera's output. -We all to some place afterwards between a couple restaurants in the night/early morning when we got back. Wasn't exactly a restaurant but had tables, and at least some basic food. There was recording equipment. It somehow shifted into my friend Z's newly bought equipment. I had fun testing it out and helping him. K was also there (Z and K didn't take this class last year either). We all had a good time, it was a pretty fast second day before the dream ended. There were mentions of how we stayed the night at the field trip location and basically no sleep? (This is a pretty heavy reference to an actual end of the year field trip for my AP Chemistry class. No recording studio, or early-morning-still-dark-and-early place for food, but we ended up going to taco Bell the second day, so I guess that's something haha...) We went back to school (magically and instantly, think of like a jump cut in a movie because that's what these random time jumps are like when I don't remember anything in between) and got some score for our test/final once we handed our teacher a paper. They were magically graded in the time it took my to walk down the halls and see a few other teachers (in the history hall) and school administrators. I did fine but have no idea what I got (got an A in my actual AP Chem class in real life though!) We then went to some other "fancier" restaurant; my teacher said something about it being a quesadilla place and how it's "2 star" and how we wanted to leave a good impression. It was funny cause this was seemingly in my school, in my history classroom, and across the hall from where we were getting our scores... In the hallway... I then abruptly woke up before entering the restaurant/classroom -- thanks early morning schedule! The last couple paragraphs, though, I remember have happened in a dream before, like it was reoccurring or deja vu. Maybe not the reward specifically, and not the same field trip, but at least the reference to being on our best behavior at the 'fancy 2 star quesadilla restaurant' and the other semi-restaurant place. Seriously, this first place we went to was like someone decided to just fill in an alleyway and then hid the entrance a few feet in, in between two other businesses, but magically opened up into a huge place with a lot of tables that definitely served food. We never got more than salsa and chips here though. ~~~ OK, backtracking. The actual "field trip" before the events of the last paragraph This was WEIRD. We were traveling up some mountain. This part wasn't really with my chemistry class, just like 5 or 4 other people and mainly my family and some guide. We were going to the top of this mountain area. There was a lot of snow, I don't remember it being cold because it was a dream, but it was dusk and midnight darkness was coming quickly. We traveled either to the top of the world (or to some strange place that converged to a single point and conveniently on a mountain) and once we reached that point, everything started stretching out, like our vision was turning into a 360 degree camera and we could see further and further around us. We could see everything, and it was like a lot of ice and water on a map around it in my field of view. As we got closer to the singularity, we saw less of the ground. I can't explain it at all, but it was cool seeing everything just.... Stretch out. We could hang/swing from something, and we all were doing it in a circleish pattern around it at the top, like we were holding on to a bar above it, yet we were actually holding onto the tip of the mountain. We couldn't make it into a perfect point but it was close enough to understand it. I remember swinging this way, and somehow I was swinging after everyone else was. Somehow I was 20 or 25 foot out from the tip of the mountain, but my hands were still on the center point. Once again, I don't know if my entire view was like a flat map at this point or if it was like a 360 camera with a map in the corner, but I saw very small and far away ice and water on it. If I dropped off or let go further than 5 feet out in some places, I'd fall into the bottomless icy water and probably die quickly, and if i fell closer than that, I'd just fall on the mountain and suffer the same fate. Luckily, I didn't. I don't remember the decent taking long, but I remember as we were still pretty high up there was a snowless channel down (not of water but it was steep and seemed like water would go down it) and this channel had occasional hot, molten rock/semi-avalanche stuff falling down it. My sister's dogs almost got too close, but there was a plateau area we were standing on then below, but not directly below the falling stuff that was falling down the channel on the mountainside. This was the only point I actually remember the dogs in, and we called them back before they were under the avalanche, so don't worry! The doggos were safe! Once we got down, it was even darker outside but there were occasional lights (from streetlights?), and we had to go across a few roads and parking lots. We made it to a bus, but suddenly my family wasn't there and it was my friends/Chem group instead and we were now briefly on the bus for a few minutes. While driving to the next place, I remember having a top down, aerial view of the bus because half of the time in my dreams there's fantastic scenic third person shots. I vaguely had the memory of staying the night and not getting sleep around then (probably from my actual trip at the end of the year). *I wish I could've talked more about this or written more in detail, it was a cool but strange dream overall. I have revised and revisited it but I don't remember much more now that it's later in the day.*