Date: 1/18/2019
By FloatingAway
I was sitting down in the sitting room holding my ukulele when I noticed a giant spider on the end of it. When I looked I saw it was a black widow but it was realllllyyyy big. I brushed it off and waited until Mam and Dad stopped talking so I could calmly tell them that there was a black widow running around the room. I looked at it and it was really fast, running around on the carpet really quickly, and it looked really light and floaty as well. When I finally managed to butt into the conversation and tell Mam there was a black widow in the room, she wouldn’t believe me and claimed it was a leather jacket over and over again. It kept going on like this until I finally picked it up and SHOWED her it was a black widow. Then she wouldn’t even admit I was right and just stopped saying anything lol. That’s all I can remember.