Date: 8/22/2018
By daisxx
my mom didnt buy me a birthday cake so i texted her like UR SUCH A BITCH U CONSTANTLY WANNA MAKE ME SAD U RUINED MY LIFE WHEN I WAS YOUNGER BY SNIFFING COKE ALL THE TIME (??????? what) AND NOW UR NOT EVEN BUYING ME A BIRTHDAY CAKE I BET U BOUGHT GAZ (my stepdad) A BIRTHDAY CAKE at like 4am and then she texted me and was like whats going on im sorry bro etc. and she made me a playlist on youtube to say sorry but i just didnt wanna speak to her. then i went for a walk around my house and the tv in the other room was still on but paused on a tv show ab kim jong-un that started at 7:50am but by now it was 11:30am. then my old friends came round and we had a bit of an argument and my garden is flooded??? so we’re swimming in it why??? then i go to bed again. when i wake up the flood is gone and there’s loads of plastic waste on the grass. my brother and sisters come round and wanna play and they help me get all the plastic and move it to the recycling bin and i teach them the importance of taking care of the environment and recycling plastic. [[[[ive been having some weird dreams (and remembering them well) since i started taking my new antidepressants 🤔]]]]