Date: 7/31/2019
By Pmoney96
Evan and I were on the train to London or Belfast. He had loads of weed he wanted split into different bags so I was helping him organise it. A women sitting behind us moved because the smell made her anxious and a man from a carriage away came trying to sell Evan drugs. We got off at our stop and he followed us for a second but left before I got off the train properly. I was checking the seats to make sure nothing was left, I dropped 2€ but wasn’t going to go back to get it. When I checked Evans side he had left all of his luggage and I was frantically trying to off load. At this point I hadn’t realised that I had moved up a carriage and was off loading Evan McB’s luggage which isn’t my friend. I had to have a convo with the train conductor who was also my study abroad supervisor why the train was delayed and what I did. She laughed and everyone gave a team effort to load it back on. The train station turned into a kitchen and we started spanking down. It wasn’t until we were finished that I realised my girlfriend was meant to come and 10 mins later she arrived very late. She apologised but I was going to break up with her.