2 Squats

Date: 7/25/2017

By drunchee

Me Marcos and Alex are on a team. We're at Spiegel Grove, albeit some slight differences. More trees, a different path, tiny replica pyramids in the front, and a weight lifting room is stationed towards the right. A ton of people are at the Grove for a challenge. It's kinda like a scavenger hunt. Me Mrc and Alex have to decode a numeric code on our tree. Everyone has their own tree with numbers written on post it notes. For some reason Alex becomes Patrick Star, and licks a post it note. It actually works. The notes shift around and now we have to write a number on a card and put it on the tree, but it has to be the right number. Meanwhile, I see people come and go on the path. This one guy asks another guy a question and he replies Ending with dumbass, making the question asker call him a retard. Very hot drama. I see a girl about our age put a post it note with every single number on it, on her tree, thus activating the next step, whatever that is. A clever trick, but my group didn't wanna cheat, so we put a random number down hoping it was right, and it wasn't. So as a punishment, we had to do two squats. I just did my two squats without weights, but then I spotted Marcos and Travus inside the weight lifting room and decided to join them. I ran to the room fast, and somehow I had a weight on me now, so when I ran through the door way, it hit both edges of the door frame. I remember hoping Mr Rose didn't see... The weights for some reason were not normal. They were colorful and bendy, almost like rubber jump ropes. I witnessed Marcos fail at squatting, then practice doing his form, and hitting his nuts with his hand during practice. After this, I decided to go. I did fine, but then Clem asked to borrow my weight. I let him. Derek Alex Travus Marcos Clem and Isaac were all here. Isaac kept telling me to just take my weight back from Clem, and eventually I did.