Planet war

Date: 12/18/2021

By juliaaramini

I don’t remember too much of this dream, all I know is that there was my planet, that looked a lot like earth but it was named something else. There was a desert planet of peaceful and spiritual people, and there was a planet run by a crazy guy who wanted to take over the other two planets. Evil guy came to my planet and started destroying cities, so we had to fight back. Our biggest weapon, and secret, was something we called the mind flayer. It was invisible and incredibly fast, and not human. In its true form it didn’t speak, only made a high pitched noise as it zoomed past you. However, it seemed to like the people of my planet, so it cooperated to fight the other planet. It had the ability to shapeshift into anyone with all of their recent memories, and it could get into other people’s heads and make them hallucinate. We used this against the evil guy to make everyone on his planet think he was insane. Surprisingly, the desert planet helped a lot. They had secretly been preparing for a war like this because they suspected the evil guy would start one soon. They helped fight. I don’t remember anything else that happened, but at the end of my dream the war was over, and the desert planet and my planet were having a diplomatic meeting on the desert planet discussing what to do with evil guy’s planet. Then, suddenly, I was the mind flayer. Everything I looked at looked warped. It was all glowy and colors were enhanced. I was filled with rage. I went to the diplomatic meeting, and shape shifted into someone (idk who). My vision went back to normal. I walked inside, and everyone looked at me. Then, I got into their minds and started mentally torturing them. The dream ended with deafening screaming. I think the mind flayer was mad about how my planet used it and never really appreciated it.