multi-dimensional ski rental and more

Date: 12/15/2017

By salvo

My family bought me new skis, and we went skiing and I didn’t realize until I wiped out that they were skis meant for toddlers. I got really mad and was yelling at my family, and then a few of my friends walked by. They asked if I wanted to go skiing with them and I said sure, willing to ski with the baby skis, but I couldn’t find them anymore. I told my family that we had to go rent some new ones. So the ski rental place was in a building with several food places, and we got there but only found the food and not the ski stuff. My sister said she knew where the ski rental was and led us to the bathroom. My dad went into a stall and flushed the toilet. I didn’t see him do this, so I looked in the stall that he was in and he was gone. I assumed that there was a staircase somewhere, but then my sister flushed the toilet and she dissolved. Next, my mom did it, then my other sister. When I tried to do it, it wouldn’t work, and the toilet told me it was because I wasn’t worthy enough. I tried a couple more times, but then left the stall. I was freaking out because I wanted to ski with my friends and I couldn’t get skis if I couldn’t get into the rental place. I went to try it again, and this demon that looked kind of like Gastly (the Pokémon) appeared in front of me as I was sitting on the toilet. It talked to me, but never actually touched me. It talked to me until I orgasmed (yikes) and then disappeared. After that, this girl came in with crutches, looking to get into the ski rental. I told her to go ahead and left the stall. When she was gone, I went in to try again, and I went through. I found myself standing in a big room with all of the spongebob characters playing this board game that was kind of like jumaji but like 0% dangerous. They were nearing the end so they all made their final moves. Mr. Krabs threw his piece and it turned into this giant werewolf without a lower jaw. Then sandy there her piece and it turned into this grey triangular thing that attached to the werewolf and became its bottom jaw. The force of it sticking to him knocked him down. Then spongebob threw his piece and it became a baseball cap on the wolf’s head, but it stood up and the hat fell off. Everyone was like “aw why did you do that?” While that happened, the game master or whatever stepped out from behind the board. He was a big panther. He told this other cat-like creature that he won the game, and his prize was that the game master’s parents would escort him home. Then this portal opened up behind the players and these two people stepped out, along with a bunch of African animals. The people transformed into Mufasa and his wife, and they were happy that the curse on them was lifted. They roared really loudly and told the cat to follow them. They ran into the portal and through the savanna, and they ran into this valley. They changed into boars, and just at that moment, two lions started chasing them. They moved a few boulders around in order to escape, and told the cat that their love was stronger than any predator.