Don't push the red button

Date: 4/17/2018

By nexus

The red button in this scenario would be the metaphorical button which I tend to push for no reason when astral projecting. I'll be in a place I'm not familiar with and press the red button, I astral projected this morning and this is exactly what happened and why I was to quick to eject. It was around 7:30 I figured I had 30 minutes to take a nap before I had to leave for school and I begin to fall asleep physically but I didn't drop in awareness in the slightest, I was so relaxed and aware that I began gaining this clairvoyance like I had access to more of my higher self and all that it knows, I knew how to phase my 100% conscious from the physical to the non physical and I was able to slightly move the astral body I made a 180° turn and saw black and this yellowish white light that I usually see in these situations. I turn back to the physical and fall into a dream. The dream was detailed and fine built, i was in this fortress type of place and I was hiding from some people, I find this room and figured my best option would be to jump out the window I'm guessing i had some level of lucidity because I knew jumping out of the window wouldn't be deadly anyways I jump out and start to fall slowly and I begin phasing back to my room this is the weirdest part and nothing like it has never happened to me before. There was vibrations and I'm increasing them but then I started hearing people in my ear clear as if someone was speaking to me face to face, it was a girl and around 3 other guys and it almost sounded like a commercial they were saying how astral projection changed their lives and how astral projection will be the step into the future, stuff like that and as they were saying that I came out of my body and it was so easy and seamless was hazy at first but then turned into this x-ray type of vision I started getting uneasy I was near my wall and I turn around and see the rest of my room and it was pretty crazy and I panicked and hit the imaginary red button and snapped back to my body... I shouldn't of done it and there was no reason why I got scared other then I was scared of the unknown meanwhile I could've had an extended experience in the astrals but fear won this round.