Scary ass clown dream

Date: 8/12/2020

By AirBender

In the dream I am with my family and we live together again. All of us are seeing this clown in our home appear. It is definitely haunting us. Then one day I get an email from it too, saying something to the effect of now I am able to do whatever I want. My friend says that he has infiltrated all aspects of this reality. I go to some store "internet store" to try and ask if there was anyone who died at my house. (There is no logic to this thought process) It ends up being a grocery store. I am about to talk to the check out girl and ask her about it, but the next thing I know i am asleep and in a dream in my dream. 🤯 I am with two friends, but we seem to have taken on avatars, like playing a game, but in my dream. We are all aware that the clown has power in my dream. The clown is starting control my dream and my friends shoes change and he for some reason drops to the ground. At this point, I have no reason why, my 'conscience' self that knows I'm dreaming starts singing that song John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, to regain power. In real life I sometimes wear a eye mask to sleep. So I awaken from my dream and slowly start taking off my eye mask, but my vision is a little blurry. I can faintly make out a little bit of red hair in the corner of my room, he is sitting on a chair waiting for me. Then a giant red arm reaches across my body and in one of those scary ass deep voices says something to the effect of get the fuck over here. Then I woke up in real life.