Per Aspera Ad Inferi

Date: 9/25/2020

By Machman

I am walking down what looks like a woodland path with hedges either side. A large group of chanting football fans are coming towards me. They are Borussia Dortmund fans. They pay me no heed as I shout to a large "Teletubbies" like speaker in the distance "Alexa. Play Per Aspera Ad Inferi by Ghost". I am then walking to my new place of work which seems to be in a building that is a composite of the first High School building I went to and my first place of work I am greeted by Alison Coyle who is a girl who works for a company that I once worked for. She shows me to ths office where I am supposed to be stationed at. It is tiny and am supposed to be sharing it with another person (Kenny Miller, a friend and ex colleague of mine). The desk and furniture are wooden and very old fashioned. Alison seems to find this funny. I then realise I don't have my laptop with me so I will have to go to the "old office" to get it. I then remember that the old office is a good distance away but I don't have any choice. I am joined on my walk by some Irish guy who I don't know. He then stops to talk to another Irish person who was walking towards us. After he finishes the conversation and we restart our journey I comment on his accent and how it becomes thicker when talking to a fellow Irishman. When we arrive at the old office I am told I need a fob to get in. Of course it's back at the new office so I think I need to make the round trip again! I am then approached by a very camp ginger bloke who gives me a weird looking fob and suggests I give that a go.