Date: 1/29/2018
By SoCheezy
My dream begins with me in a hospital bed, my mom is standing next to me on my left. She has this look of worry and panic. I try to ask what’s wrong, but I can’t speak, because my body aches and breathing is virtually impossible. My mom then begins to tell me very peculiar things such as - “look for the nurses name on their badge. Have them identify what medicines they’ll be administering? Tell me exactly the injection site is. ETC” It is odd behavior for my mom considering she is a nurse and works with these people. I then feel a horrible pain in my abdomen, so much so it knocks the wind out of me. I can’t breathe or speak. A nurse comes in and does an external exam of my abdomen. She states that my stomach is firm and distended. I may need to have emergency surgery ASAP. My mom embraces me, and I try to be strong, not knowing what the future will hold. Ironically and miraculously, I come out of this horrific event with a dose of pepto bismol. And I’m back to normal. LOL. I go to a near by carnival, and scarf down tons of Chinese food in celebration of my recovery. Then I woke up