Discussion with a Lucid Dreamer?

Date: 8/10/2018

By TempusVernum

So I had what was my third or fourth lucid dream last night. I "woke up" in my bed and realized it was a dream from inside the dream (I can't remember what method this is, that's just how it always happens). I had more control over my movements this time: it felt more real and I understood better that moving wasn't going to wake me up. Then I tried to summon a dream figure, and that's when things got weird. It was like I was casting a spell. My dad came over with two of those placemat menus that you get at some restaurants and balanced them on my hands and told me to make them float. I did. Then, focusing on the front door, I started this long gibberish incantation while sort of flying around. Finally, I reached the end and I said the name of who I was trying to summon. Nothing happened. Okay, not nothing, in my dream I suddenly became really dizzy and then fell face first on the front porch and the door slammed shut behind me. Later, my in-dream uncle was telling me it was dangerous to lucid dream and shortly after that I lost the lucidity. I honestly think the whole dizziness thing was my subconscious telling me I'm a fool for trying to cast a spell at a door to summon a fictional character... Next time I'll try imagining someone who's real just out of sight and then go find them. Still, is there anyone out there who has some advice on summoning dream figures, real or fictional?