Date: 9/13/2019
By pinkstar16121
I was in my garage , and I noticed all these homemade signs attached to the garage door that said mean and hurtful things, but they were written in first person. I was confused how they'd gotten there. Then all the signs plus this full carton of milk were strewn on the floor. There had been people with me including my sister, but they left. Suddenly I could hear these girls outside and I got nervous. I tried to go into my basement, but it was too late. They came through the door; it suddenly was just open. They were like ten or eleven years old. They claimed the stuff was there's and we'd stolen them. I denied the claims, for some reason convinced the signs were my sister's. She has been depressed and insecure so I figured it made sense. She suddenly appeared in the basement doorway, and I asked her "is this stuff yours?" The girls wouldn't let it go that we'd taken the stuff, and I was just like "okay honey, I think you need to just take your stuff and leave." (Don't know why I was only addressing one girl, but there was one girl who was speaking for her two friends) I knew they'd broken in here and I felt totally violated of our privacy. I don't even know how they could have gotten in because you need a code to open my garage. This is a dream though, so I guess it's supposed to not make sense. They finally left. I saw them later on while I was with my six-year-old sister. I remember she kept talking to me, and I just listened. The girls were acting all stuck-up. I went up to the lead girl and said something to her about how I know she's hurting, and I gave her a hug, but there was this fence thing that was creating a barrier between us. She hugged me back, to my surprise. I think she was crying too.