Croftfoot Station and Sally From 3rd Rock

Date: 4/9/2020

By Machman

I am waiting for a train at Croftfoot Station and it is late for some reason. There is an incident up ahead at one of the other stations towards Glasgow Central. I am heading towards the ticket office and see somebody on the platform. Either that or he is walking towards the stairs that take him out the station, I can't be sure. I believe there is a discussion about how I am wasting my time as the train won't arrive for ages. I wait inside the ticket office and it is getting dark. The door is open and I am looking at the door which reflects the light of an oncoming train in the distance. I feel vindicated for waiting as it has only been a minute since I arrived. I walk out onto the platform and wait for it to pull up to the platform. However as it gets closer I notice that there is another track that leads off the one that runs alongside the platform. As the train approaches it moves onto that other track and follows that in a curve then back onto the main track after the platform ends. It is travelling at an incredible speed. I then realise it is an emergency train atrending the incident up ahead. I then look back down the track and see something else coming my way. It is not a train, however. It is a huge barrel shaped contraption rolling along the track. It is also traveling at top speed. It follows the same track as the train and then rejoins the main track speeding off into the distance. I then have vague memories of actually being on a train and walking down the centre aisle. But my recollection of that part of the dream is very vague. In a totally different scenario which I'm not sure if it occurred before or after the train part, I am kneeling down next to a bed and I have an incredible erection. One of those ones that you just have to do something about. I am looking through a catalogue of people who appear on the bed as I flick through the pages. Each person appearing then disappearing as I turn each page. I then become aware that I can get to shag whoever I want from this catalogue. I want to shag Sally from 3rd Rock From The Sun, the 90s American sitcom. I then start to feel that my erection is waning so I better hurry up and find her. I think all the people in the catalogue are from that show and the first 2 or 3 were women from that show so I could easily have shagged one of them but I want Sally. I am frantically flicking through the pages in the hope that she appears but she does not. The dream ends as the scene fades out, me becoming more desperate in my attempts to find the page with Sally on it.