Date: 3/6/2017
By tkdturtle
I was in my dorm room on my bed, and then another me walked in. She-me stood facing me and then started show showing her-me my-her abs. I guess I was trying to challenge my self to a competition or something like that. My brother and I were eating at some restaurant I think and my old friend Tristen was next to us. He doesn't live here. His mom recently passed away in real life but she was sitting at the table with him and his dad and brother. I looked through his phone messages, he texts her phone to cope with the pain. I was trying to sleep but josh was in my bed with me and we wouldn't stop drinking water. Just as he closed his eyes his alarm went off and he left. There was this picture of Rihanna the singer on my door but it was a living picture. I had to talk to it nicely so I wouldn't piss it off. It had an angry stank face look on. It kept drinking water too for some reason. I sang to it to make it happy. My voice was very beautiful, like an angel. In real life my voice sounds like a hundred dying cats🙄. Then a famous person named brandy came into my room. Her weave was messed up! She had bald patches everywhere, you could see the glue, many discolorations, the separation between her weave and her scalp. But people kept telling her she looked absolutely wonderful and she kept blushing. I sang to her too, and she smiled. I was at a store and this little kid was fucking around and knocked over a whole isles shelf! Then a friend texted me in a group chat saying her house caught fire. She sent some pictures of the outside of it. I gave my condolences. Then I was trying to make ramen noodles again but I was running out of time because I had an exam to take at 10:30 so I kept checking to clock on the microwave. We were at an amusement park and I was with savanna and Sheena but I wanted to ride one of the rides with savanna so I asked the lady how much it was. It was a weird log ride that was suspended in the air by a thin wire and it tipped over and splashed you with water. Then I had a dream where I was dreaming about a band trip that savanna was going to take. I dreamed of the place before she was even told about it and then I asked her later to confirm and we were both freaked out because I told the future. I was babysitting some kids and there was a lot of noise outside so I looked and there was this big green field with people running across it in different directions. It kinda looked like the hunger games. The kids I was babysitting, were part recycled material and part human. At some point, someone found my journal that I write in and they were feeling all over the cover. They were like "wow! This is one of the best feeling journals ever!" And I was like "yeah...i know... now give it back"