Fighting The Boogie man Long but interesting

Date: 1/21/2020

By Anathorx

I was in High school acting as someone else just following the story. The school was for gifted people like that movie “Skyhigh” so everyone had some type of super power. I was different so no one really liked me I walked around like I didn’t care. So as I was leaving this girl kept following me and trying to get my attention. I ignored her she was cute but I wanted to be alone. The school was at the top of a hill at the body it had a main Highway and on the other side was a huge body of water I made it down and sat by the lake I felt someone was following me I felt annoyed I was like it’s that girl. I looked and at the top of the school was a large figure covered in fur with a very small face mask at the front. It looked like “no face” from “Spirited Away” when he gets really fat and his body is huge with a small face but he was covered in brown fur. I guess he was the boogie man I was shit I gotta fight this thing be casted a spell and everything turned to snow and ice. And jump away I lost him. When I dream I’m almost always lucid I just like to follow the story so I have cheats lol. I talked into my Apple Watch and said track the boogie man for me. It showed like a triangle like Skyrim I was about to go straight there but I heard screaming and fighting. I ran back to the base of the hill and people were fighting ice monsters and what ever they did they just kept regenerating back i a few things I finally figured out that you just had to reflect the ice shards they shot at us back and it kicked them. So I yelled everyone the are weak to reflects. They slowly started to die off that I saw that girl she touched my shoulder had then everything shifted. I was in a car with her in the back seat. Her mom was driving her younger brother was in the back no one was in the other front seat. We were driving up these avenues. It was Dark. I talked to her and her brother asked if I had a girlfriend I was like no there was this girl but I ignored because I wanted to be alone. I was wrong the she smiled then put my her arm around me I put my hand on her thigh. Then her mom yells “We are here” I looked up it was a haunted house some pumpkin patch. Featuring the “Boogie Man” I was like shit we are going straight to him I asked why are here? She said it’s a family tradition. But the Boogie Man is real did you forget that we just got attacked it was the Boogie Man. No one cared No one listened. I kept trying. We walked in there were a ton of people all excited I was just thinking they are all gonna die and I won’t be able to do shit. I started to stress then it I broke character and I tryed to find my real girlfriend we tend to be a badass duo. I couldn’t find her though. It was our turn to go in there was a tall big henchmen he led us in and her brother kept teasing him. Everyone else kept going I stayed with him the guy finally got annoyed grabbed him and was about to kill him. So I ran up threw him down and he was like oh someone wants to be a hero we started to fight it out he had super strength and so did I finally killed him he was covered in blood I looked at my watch and said track the boogie man for me. Clear direction alright he is next as I made my way into the haunted house I woke up. Such a tease.