Infiltrating for my Maniacal Fairy God Mother, before Defecting and playing Star Wars: Rebellion...

Date: 12/31/2019

By AJacobs

I was essentially in a computer game. I say this because it was like a First Person Shooter and I was controlling the character with mouse and keyboard. The area was like... Italy... or Naboo... architecture-wise. I was tasked by this... fairy god mother? Or something. I had to eliminate a line of turrets (from the game, Portal) which were located outside the building and to the left. Additionally, through my scoped rifle I saw one guard in a building beyond where the turrets were. He was very skinny and in white... like a scientist from SCP Secret Laboratory. I was told I had to kill the two guards as well by the fairy god mother character. There were a couple times I tried peeking out but would only succeed in get shot by the turrets and backing up to find myself bleeding onto the pixelated textures of the walls. I also messed around by looking up next to a wall to make the blood go and get higher on the wall and etc. I took aim through the scope at that guard, aiming with my mouse, and fired. It was a miss. Then the guard started running down a corridor. I followed him with my reticule, firing and failing to hit him at least five times as he ran down the open sided hallway with pillars making him flash as he ran amongst them at a constant, video game pace run with no deviation. Then I knew I was in trouble, I had two guards coming for me, I was still bleeding from the turrets (not sure if that did anything though), and I was a shit shot. At this point, it was no longer like a video game as far as how I controlled my character. I then saw the guards running up and either pretended to he innocent or negotiated with them begging to let me live. I don't remember the specifics. The fairy god mother eventually came or sent other uniformed soldiers to kill the guards, ordering me to do my job correctly this time. I think guards were already headed toward my building and I waved my hands above my head, showed myself, and then ran out to take refuge with them. I'm not sure how exactly this transition occurred, but now there was like miniatures on hexagons on the ground. Now there was like, at least half a dozen people and a load of miniatures in blue and grey on the ground. The female, dark skinned, in charge of the people I surrendered to point to a spot (it was named, started with an E I think) on the hex map on the ground and said I had to go there and fire on that lone soldier. Their forces were grey, the fairy god mother's was blue. The piece representing me was a blue plane or an X-wing. I asked and tried to negotiate to no avail. I instead moved to maybe a slightly different spot and then fired on a group of soldiers hoping they wouldn't bother to give me more attention than if I had wiped out a unit guarding a city... That ends what I remember from seeing hexes on the ground and being there. But these pieces looked like Star Wars Rebellion pieces (it's a board game that I want). Somehow, at somepoint, this transitioned to being Star Wars Rebellion (albeit modified and more like a wargame since there were no leaders). The surroundings were a backdrop of Stars but I think the pieces were still plastic miniatures. My opponent (maybe my dad? We might've been talking as playing a little) moved two X-wings to counter my two TIE Fighters above Hoth. Then I looked for other units nearby who could move in. Star Destroyers could move two and were out of range of Hoth, but there was a patrol cruiser (with a range of 3) that could move to Hoth. I remember looking at this setup for some time. I assume I moved the cruiser and the dream ended.