My arms need exercising

Date: 2/10/2020

By bdenson

I believe I was at work and working on posting mail I think and I over hear one of the bosses correcting someone on some work that they did but that they caught it just in time to go out so all was good . I have this job in front of me and it was written in red numbers like adding things up and was on long cloth but had paper on top of it to and it was big and felt heavy cause I turned the page and felt heavy . Tried to keep it up on my desk but I wasn’t sure if it was my arms or the work was heavy and trying to lift it . This person sitting over in another section of the office was giving me a heads up on making sure I look at the numbers so I told her yeah that I over heard them earlier . The next thing i know (still dreaming) I was thinking about the dream I just had so I start exercising my arms (I knew I was in the bed doing this ) and all of a sudden I start floating up , I look over to my right and I see this misty shape and it stardled me but I see I’m being taken towards the window so I relax and I see myself going out the window outside , not sure where I was going and I say “Jesus go with me”. I must have really said this out loud because I started slowly coming out of sleep and was back in my bed .