Cum pizza

Date: 12/29/2019

By zoeynoel

Started by waiting in a long ass line for Popeyes with my mom, but It was outside? Like Popeyes had an outside stand instead of a restaurant. I was smoking and some yeehaw mf came up to me and was like “how old are u young lady you can’t smoke that” I was irritated and I just asked “how old do I look?” And he was like “about 15 or 16”. I laughed and told him I was 21 and my mom told him to leave me the hell alone. After that it was like he disappeared and so did the extremely long line. Walked up to the front and I saw banana and rhonnie acting like they were friends again. Banana told me there was a pizza making contest so we went to go watch it. Every contestant was making HUGE pizzas like the crust of the pizzas were always stretched on on a huge pan on the floor. After the first guy normally making his pizza the second guy came out with a woman. And she literally layed down on the pizza dough and masturbated to make the pizza sauce? Like the main ingredient in his pizza sauce was her cum? I don’t know it was fucking weird. I had a front row seat and then next thing I know banana and wyntyr are fucking on the giant cum pizza and I’m sitting there like “wtf”. Don’t remember anything after that

AI generated interpretation Before interpreting your dream, I want to clarify that as an AI, I do not possess any personal judgment or emotions. My analysis of your dream is based purely on psychological evidence. Your dream appears to be a mixture of various symbols and elements, but it seems most of the images and themes are related to a sense of judgment and societal expectations, especially regarding the actions of women. Waiting in line with your mother outside the fake Popeyes, smoking and being questioned by a stranger about your age, reflects your concern about your perceived age, maturity, and behavior. You might feel judged by others even when you're just doing something harmless, like smoking. The encounter seems to have left you irritated and frustrated, which could be indicative of your discomfort with being questioned or judged by others. Moving on to the pizza-making contest, it could symbolize your desire to excel or outdo yourself. Making large pizzas indicates that you are ambitious and are striving to reach your goals on a grand scale. However, the peculiarities of this contest, like the woman who used her fluid for the pizza sauce, reflect some sexual undertones. Such images could symbolize a fear of not meeting societal expectations or pleasing others, especially men. You might also have some sexual anxieties, which need to be addressed. Lastly, the participation of your friends in the bizarre sexual act might reflect your fear of rejection or judgment by your peers. Your desire to "fit in" and meet up with others' expectations could be driving you to partake in risky/dangerous behaviors or avoid being true to yourself. In conclusion, your dream suggests that you might be struggling with your identity, societal expectations, and fear of judgment/rejection, especially regarding your age, maturity, behavior, and sexuality. It might help to reflect on these emotions and feelings and address them in therapy or by talking to trusted people in your life.