What the actual f

Date: 9/30/2021

By SpinierFormula4

Literally one of the scariest dreams I’ve ever had in my life. I woke up shaking oh my god. There was another dream right before this one, something to do with the elevators of an aquarium and my little brother, I don’t remember. But, like always, I have like 6 dreams in one night, so cut to this one that I’m literally going to think about forever. I think the premise was that I’m supposed to be on some sort of paranormal show that like, played itself off like real found-footage (well, in this case it is), like think that show that used to be on animal planet “lost tapes.” Anyways, I don’t remember the title of the episode, but I do remember that it flashed on the “screen” while my vision was filled with an establishing shot of my school. I don’t remember the very beginning of the dream much, but I do remember that the teacher that was talking to us was my current economics teacher. So basically we (as in me and a bunch of “kids in my class,” who I had in reality never seen before) we’re just like sitting around this official looking conference table or whatever, and this one kid starts getting all weird and saying that evolution isn’t real and doesn’t make sense. He starts grilling me, but literally I can’t answer the questions well because it was stuff like, “How did Oncolids evolve?” When oncolids aren’t a real thing. And then he’s all “Aha! See! That proves that GOD is the only one who has all the answers.” And then from my left at the circular table we’re all sitting at I hear Hailey’s (my best friend of 8 years, who’s NEVER in any of my dreams) say, “No. God doesn’t have all the answers.” For some reason my stomach just drops completely and I’m terrified. I whip my head to the left to look at her, but it’s not her sitting next to me. It’s some random NPC that vaguely looks like her, blond hair, pale-ish skin. But she’s staring at me. Hard. With no expression on her face. I turn back to the other people at the table and they’re staring at me in the same way. It’s completely silent. Suddenly the spell is broken and my current economics teacher comes up behind me, and I can see all their gazes snap to him for a second before they turn back into normal looking people with normal looking expressions and movements. My teacher’s like, “Don’t worry, he’s too high to even know what’s right and wrong. He wouldn’t know if evolution is real.” And the kid who had been asking me all those questions before is like, “What? High? I’m not high.” And he says it as if he’s genuinely confused. My teacher says, “Oh yeah? You don’t even remember your name.” And the kid goes, “Yes I do, it’s- … wait…. What… I don’t remember my name…” and he looks HORRIFIED. Like he goes pale and he looks like he’s about to cry he’s so confused. Suddenly all the other kids start like swaying and “acting high” too, meanwhile he’s just staring at the table with tears in his eyes. I feel a hand on my shoulder and the girl next to me goes, “Heyyy come onnn, let’s get out of heeeereeee.” Slurring her words and stumbling around. My teacher’s like, “Yeah, get out of here.” And all the kids in the class jump up and start sprinting into the busy parking lot right outside the door to the classroom and hopping in their cars. There are a bunch of pedestrians just walking through the parking lot too, and with all the cars now pulling out everywhere it is very hectic. It is also the absolute middle of the night, and completely pitch black save for the orange glow of the streetlights. Ok, this is the beginning of the horrible horrible nightmare fuel (literally). The girl who isn’t Hailey is running ahead of me, somehow faster than me even though she’s acting like she’s tipsy. She’s dodging around people and cars and she’s giggling the entire time. After more cars move out of the way, I can see at the very very last spot of the parking lot is the car we’re both trying to get to. It’s my dad’s truck, and I somehow know that that’s where we’re going. “Let me drive!” I shout, because I’m thinking that she’s not sober enough to drive, and she’ll hit somebody (bruh). She says, “Ok,” and keeps laughing, it’s starting to creep me out now though. We make it to the car and she goes past the front hood to hop in the drivers seat. I yell at her to get out and she goes, “Oh yeah, whoops.” We switch places in front of the car, and the way we do it obscures her from view for a second. Once I’m sitting in the drivers seat, I look over to the passenger side and she is not there. But I’m driving already, moving forward through the parking lot. Instantly there’s a bunch of pedestrians in front of me, so I bring the car to nearly a stop. As I’m slowing the car down, I see a baby, probably about 3 years old, wrestle out of his dad’s grasp and run towards my car. I swerve to the left, but I still feel the car literally go over something, and all the other pedestrians start gasping in horror. I jump out of the car and the dad is on his knees holding the baby (who looks fine actually) to his chest. He looks like he should be crying, but there aren’t any tears coming out of his eyes. I say, “What happened?! I tried not to hit him!! Is this my fault?” While I was talking, he sets the baby down next to him so it’s standing up. It’s looking at me. It doesn’t look ok anymore. His bones are like shifting in place, and his body starts doing this weird pulsing thing where is looks almost like he’s having a seizure for 2 seconds before stopping. The entire time he isn’t even making any noise or facial expression, when he should be screaming in agony because I can SEE his ribcage coming away from his spine. The dad finally says (I remember this exactly), “Your fault? He ran underneath the back wheel of your car. How could I ever blame you for this?” His facial expression completely changes then, and he suddenly looks like he’s about to kill me. He screams, “YOU STUPID BI-“ but my dream censors out the word bitch, replacing his face with a spinning image of a spiral while the bleep plays. He shoves me onto my back and I hit my head hard. I can feel the asphalt underneath me. There’s a “dog” standing over me. It wasn’t ever NOT there, like a jumpcut. It’s like a bunch of time had past since he shoved me and since I’d made it to the ground. The “dog” is completely obscured by shadow, so I can only make out the outline and very little detail. It’s neck is too long, and bent at a weird angle. It’s dark gray fur is too short, almost like skin. It is standing OVER me, it’s impossible face a foot away from mine. It’s FACE wtffff. It’s mouth is open WAY too wide into this disgusting imitation of a smile, and inside is PITCH black, no teeth no nothing. And it’s eyes are pitch black caverns too, though I can’t tell if that’s because it doesn’t have eyes at all or because the shadows are falling in the perfect place to completely obscure them. It’s making noises, it had been since the second I hit the ground. It sounds like T.V. static and screams (and maybe music, too), and I can hear the baby from before wailing. An old woman’s face appears in the dogs mouth. I am forcibly thrown into the next dream. I’m standing in some sort of living room, and I am scared out of my mind. I know it’s a dream now, and I’m desperately trying to wake up. The title screen flashes into my vision, as if the found footage is being recorded live out of my eyes. It says, “More danger, more monsters, and more things… sinister.” I start FREAKING OUT, and looking around. Outside the windows of the room I’m in are hooded figures, waiting for me. There’s two windows in the room, and in between them is a spot of drywall. I KNOW that the dog is out there in the exact blind spot of the windows. I force myself awake and the image of that thing is still in my minds eye. I desperately grab my phone, and it’s exactly 6 AM.