pre-midlife crisis? crisis of youth?

Date: 10/6/2016

By carolinakai

I dreamt that I died. But in the place i died there was some ancient magic. A creature appeared in a fog in my mind to take me to the dead world but i pleaded for more time. He gave me three days of life but my body was already dead. My skin was cold and purple. I woke in the dream as if from a dream and went home feeling as though nothing that had happened was real. Now everywhere i went a misty fog followed. I went home and told my mother what happened. She cried for a bit...but then got up to do the dishes. I followed her to the kitchen and hundreds of empty mugs littered the floors and all the surfaces in the room. She began washing them. One day went by and i carried on as if nothing had happened. But on the second my mother said "you need to start thinking about what you're going to leave us. What are you going to have left behind that is meaningful? What have you done that matters to the rest of the world?" I thought about it and realized that tomorrow was my last day and i had to do something important before then...but i woke up