Abandoned Asylum

Date: 8/18/2020

By leOneironaut

Near a police blitz, I had some fishes to take care of, Kissing gouramis, had to transfer them to a warmer water slowly. Ed, a friend, showed up asking me to follow him. We went to a school park where we met another friend, Eumo, who showed us pictures of his grandfather's cancer evolution, ugly stuff. From there we went to a abandoned asylum, blood marks in the walls, rotten wood stairs and such. Ed made a little tour, showed us where a crazy man kicked a dog to death. For some reason, instead of fearing the place, we felt safer inside it, like if outside was way too dangerous. Through a window I seen a wolf coming, Eumo disagreed saying it was a hyena. We went downstairs to catch it by surprise. When it passed through the main entrance I stabbed it right in the neck, turns out it was actually a inoffensive sheep and everyone was upset.