Hot but Familiar Teacher...

Date: 7/7/2017

By NatFish

I was at high school and headed to what looked like a science classroom. I was sitting in the back and the teacher walked in (all I thought at that point was that he was hot) he told us to organize our stuff as fast as we could. I finished first and asked to go to the bathroom. When I come back he moved me to the front next to blue shirt girl. I could tell she was a bitch the moment I sat down. She complained to the teacher that I wasn't suppose to go to the bathroom and that I probably broke a rule. He agrees and starts writing at his desk, of course I'm embarrassed. When he comes back he hands me a handwritten note saying a lot of stuff but all I can make out is "restroom pass 8x" he starts telling her off and guess who I realize who he is... my manager, Charles... which is extremely awkward because in my dream I was basically drooling over every move he made but only have a small crush in real life. Don't get me wrong, he is very attractive but not my type, you know? Anyway I get paired up with a girl named Mackenzie and we plan to go to Fort Dodge to get water samples... but I get away with pretty much anything in that class now annnnd the teacher was low key flirting with me... that dream was to weird...