
Date: 1/29/2018

By crystalsisi

The boat made me feel like I was falling and being kicked back up into the air, the waves were pretty big. I look over and she smiles at me, and I smile back because when I look again all I can do is gasp and stand and point at how the red sun looks like it’s sitting on the water. “It’s beautiful! It’s so beautiful!” The waves become bigger yet I am entranced by the sun. I stare for so long at how the sun reflects into the white blue sea water, making it seem like some sort of bloody illusion. I stare, and stare, even as the waves start consuming me and the boat. Then eventually I turn my eyes to the waves now on top of me, falling on me but I never once feel crushed. Vaguely I worry about my phone, but soon enough it’s in the back of my mind.