Digital art, A young girl is floating in the sky, surrounded by colorful clouds and holding onto a shiny balloon, with a big smile on her face.

I’m a Sky Kid (SCOTL)

Date: 3/21/2020

By Xiileaf

(Not in Dream) I did not enter sleep paralysis, but I did partially remember my dream from yesterday! I got lazy and didn’t write it down that day, so here I am now. The thing is, though, I had two or three dreams last night, so hopefully I don’t forget them during the writing process. Unfortunately, though, I did not enter sleep paralysis. (In Dream) A classmate, Jeb ((know one real life)), was holding onto my wrist and dragging me along some sort of adventure-y area ((like in the game Sky)). He dragged me around and I was kind of confused. We jumped off a cliff in a cave, but we had floated on down as if gravity was much lighter. Then he dragged me around a bit more and (I think) he found my middle school. ((My memory may be bad at remembering dreams so)) I think we went inside the vacant building and hopped on up the stairs. (Not in Dream) That’s all I remember,,, not much.

AI generated interpretation Interpretation: This dream could symbolize your desire for adventure and exploration. The fact that you are being dragged along by a classmate, Jeb, could represent your need to be guided or supported in your journey. The lighter gravity could represent a sense of freedom and the ability to explore without fear of the consequences. Going back to your middle school could be a representation of nostalgia and longing for the past, or a desire to return to a place that feels familiar and safe. Overall, this dream could be interpreted as a desire to explore new things with the support of someone experienced and familiar.